Slightly later and slightly thinner than usual, the December Bulletin will be delivered to members in the next few days. The problems have arisen because of the poor health of the Editor, John Davis, which prevents him using a computer for extended periods. A scratch team of substitutes, led by Frank King, have completed this issue and have been overwhelmed both by the extent of the work John undertakes and how he makes it appear so effortless. Very best wishes to John: we are looking forward to him being able to pick up the reins again.


1. Editorial

2. An Exceptional Sundial โ€“ Denis Savoie and Anthony Turner

5. The Slate Dials of Brittany โ€“ Mike Cowham

8. Sundials on the Tropic of Capricorn โ€“ Anthony Capon

11. Readersโ€™ Letters โ€“ Wood, Bateman

12. In the Footsteps of Thomas Ross. Part 9: The Mercat Crosses of Scotland and their Sundials โ€“ Dennis Cowan

19. The Future of Dialling โ€“ Tony Moss

20. From Old to New โ€“ A Restoration Projectโ€”The Nazeing Church Sundialย โ€“ Ian Butson

24. The Littlecote Dial โ€“ J. Mike Shaw

26. The Sad Story of a Sundial – Piers Nicholson

27. Newbury One-Day Meeting, 27 September 2014 โ€“ Kevin Karney and Irene Brightmer