- Positioning the gnomon
- Adjusting Into position
- The finished dial
Thursday: Plumb-line in water and board to mark solar noon and wall declination…53deg East of south
Friday: Select and prepare a composite oak board 55 x 45 cms, 4 cms thick
Weekend: Design on Shadows Pro to correct size and declination.
Choose a gnomon height (140 mm) for the design to fill the board.
Monday: Transfer design print-out to board using carbon paper.
Select an oak piece 6mm thick and cut gnomon with base to give accurate height.
Route out all lines, including gnomon base slot.
Tuesday/Wenesday: Use soldering iron to scorch out all lines (except half hours)
Thursday: Ladder and pulley to position sundial above front door with long retaining screws.
Friday: Brilliant sunshine…. ECCE SUNDIAL
If you would like to share details of a dial you’ve made with an international audience of enthusiasts, please send pictures and a brief description go webmaster@sundialsoc.org.uk.